Thursday, September 9, 2010

Looking forward...

I don't know if this has happened to anyone else...but for me, right now, food is about the future. Since I am currently in the half-way house of kitchens, there's been a lot of thinking and planning. I've been thinking about pruning roses, what we'll plant in the garden next year, where my herb bushes will be grown. Most importantly, I've been wondering:

 When WILL I get to start those little plant children??

In the present, there have been simple things.  For our going away party, some work-friends had us over for dinner. I wanted to bring something, since my friend Lee and I were conspiring to get more veggies into this meal-outing. I had this zucchini, some basil, some miscellaneous hard cheeses, and an oven. After I started the zucchini and sautéed it with a few other things...It just came together.

I would have taken some pictures, but this happened:

Kitten running interference.

It was a moment where you're standing in the kitchen, smelling something you know is going to be tasty. And you know that it wasn't all you. There's the organic zucchini, that a family grew. There is the basil that released it's lovely juices into the pesto; and the cheeses that you couldn't leave the store without.  And with a little luck, and divine happens.

There are also fingerling potatoes, sugar snap peas, and lovely sockeye salmon:

Yes, I know about the blue plate. I'm working on it.

And I'll leave you with that.

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