This first one will be a catching up to the present, so it might be a bit long. Your incentive for seeing this one might be: a) it's filtered. and b) it's all in one spot. And if you're like soooome people that follow me on Twitter, I wonder if you actually sign in to Twitter.
These were the zucchini sprouts, after about a week or so. I did thin them down on their little hills, but this is just the beginning ...
I planted the string beans a good bit later, after I had already had some success in the rest of the garden. But I now understand 1) why they are called string beans (Not only are the beans themselves stringy, they send out many long leafy strings attaching to anything. And everything.) 2)Why in the heck people trellis these things. They are like children... They need structure!
Sometimes I am trying to show you what I see. With photos, I do my best to take the best shot possible while not manipulating it unnecessarily. This is one exception---where the filter adapted the photo to more of what the camera couldn't capture.
I commented when I posted this about the lack of eggplants in the local landscape...whyever wouldn't we plant this lovely little plant. As you can see, the foliage itself has a soft color transition from a cool purple to minty green.
Peas are pretty too! Why is it not cool to plant veggies for pretty??
This just happened by accident, and said : summer is here.
And you can see by comparison how large the zucchini plants have grown. To be fair, there are four of them. But they've been making foot-long fruits in no time flat.
Baby chard...Which has done very well with the heat. If you leave the central growing tip intact, they will keep putting out more leaves. Every week or so, I have 1-2 new batches of noms.
Baby spinach...When they say 'bolts in the heat' ...they meant it. Straight up, leggy as all get out, and full of tiny purple blooms.
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